I had waited all day for playtime. It seemed like it would never come. I was all cleaned up and shaved smooth. I wanted to make sure that Her girly toy was ready for Her. That problem with that the preparation is that it makes me want Her more.
FINALLY it was time. She wanted the nipple clamps attached to each nipple. That happened fast. Hmmmmmmmmmm She usually led up to that, but tonight She was getting right to the point. Each clamp seemed to attack my tender skin. I wanted to bad to beg to take them off, but I knew that wasn't what She wanted. A distraction was needed. Mistress decided a vibrator was in order. Sliding it up and down my slit slowly served to be good start to the distraction and speeded up the burn that had simmered all day. Just as I was beginnign to enjoy this just a bit too much, the slapper came out. Six slaps to my clean shaven pussy - Her clean shaven pussy. Then rubbing the leather slapper up and down my wet slit i was instructed to tell Her i love my slapper - which of course I do. With each stroke up and down I panted "I love my slapper, I love my slapper, I love my slapper". Then six more slaps against my pussy. Oh lord, did She realize that thing was wet now and stings worse? Of course She realizes that. There is a method to her hot madness. Just as I was sure I would explode into flames, my clit felt a tight pinch. OUCH, the clamp was squeezing my hot little button so tight that I was certain it would explode. Concentrate on Her eyes. I know better than to even think of loosing control until She gives me permission and that won't happen until She is fully satisfied. Breath deep and concentrate.
Her voice was hypmotizing. I could hear how much She was enjoying my torture. I wanted so much to please Her. While the vibrator was teasing each of the clamps, I knew She was touching Herself. I imagined how we She must be, how sweet She must taste. All this running through my mind as I struggled to keep control as a vibrator pushed deep into my pussy, then slowly out and up to the clamp again. My body shaking so badly as I struggled not to move. Every movement shook the clamps sending pain throughout my body. Oddly making me more excited with each sting. The vibrator sinking deeper into my body with each stroke, I'm trying so hard to be still because one false move and I know I'll cum so hard and She hasn't yet. CONCENTRATE GIRL!!! Her voice breaks my concentration and I hear "oh sweetheart I'm so wet, My clit is so swollen I may cum soon". All I want is to have my face to be buried against Her sex when She cums. I can imagine lips holding her clit gengly as my tongue flicks against it then slowly down Her slit. Oh how I want to please Her. My imagination is going wild when I hear Her moans growing louder and I know that She is close. I wonder could I cum with Her as my body begins to buck against the vibrator fucking me. I catch myself. I'm to be still and I know better than to cum before Mistress does. My body is shaking hard for her as She's moaning loudly and gasping , cumming hard. Oh how wet She must be. But now I remember why the clamp is on my clit so tight. It's proof that wanting to cum and being able to cum are two completely different things. I'm sure She notices that I've realized this when I hear Her laughing between breathless pants.
Mistress turns Her attention back to me - Her toy. Again fucking me with the vibrator hard and deep, pushing me to the edge. "Oh Mistress, I love you, please please". She knows that I'm barely hanging on and searching for Her eyes - they will calm me a bit. "What sweetheart, what do you want?" That's hard to explain at the moment. I want so much to cum for Her but I want to ache for Her as well. I'm torn between the relief that I know will end the torture and never wanting to stop feeling like I do at this precise moment. I can't even find my voice to make a choise. "Oh OUCH OUCH" the clamps release each nipple and I'm instantly greatful for that clamp on my clit as the pain rushes through my skin and down to the pinched clit the vibrator still fucking me hard.
The vibrator is deep inside but still now. I'm still searching for Her eyes when Her voice brings me back to the moment. "Now sweetheart, if we remove the clamp from your clit will you be able not to cum?" Oh lord She wants an answer. I have to find a voice and that won't be easy. "I I I don't know". Instantly, I know that was not the answer and that becomes more apparent when She responds with "well sweetheart I hope you can or we'll have to leave that clamp on for forever", then She laughs knowing that it will have to come off eventually. With the vibrator laying on the bed, She instructs that I am to lay still and try to calm a bit before taking the clamp off. Oh lord, how do I find that calmness when everything in me wants to sale off into a space of hot cum. Does She know what She does to me? Of course She does. Breath, breath, brea "Oh no ouch ohHhhhh", the clamp is off of my clit and all I hear is Mistress instructing calmly "hold hold hold". I breath deep and try to slow down my breathing. After what seems like forever, I can breath again. Mistress instucts that the vibrator is going to be deep inside Her girl again. Fucking me faster this time. I honestly feel like my body is going to burst into flames "oh please Mistress may I cum please". She loves begging, and it comes so naturally when She is near me. But I panic when I hear her laugh and say "hmmmmmmmmm let's see". Is she going to wait? How long will She wait? "Oh please Mistress..let me cum for You". Finally She allows me to cum for Her. "Cum for me darling". Shaking so hard my body explodes around the vibrator over and over. Each time the vibrator moves I give Her more. I can tell She's enjoying Her girl cumming for Her. "Oh Mistress more, please can I cum again?" I hear Her laughing a bit when she says "Again? Yes sweetheart" and I errupt again. I feel like my body is flying away with her. At this moment in time we are so much one person.
The vibrator slides out of me as I shiver on the bed, whimpering and reaching for Her. I don't ever want to come down from this space, but as I float back mentally I realize my face is soaked and I can't stop crying. Is it the releif? Is it the pain that I was feeling? No not at all. It's the privilege if belonging to Her. What an amazing gift!!!
1 comment
I am Delilah's prciouus nexis. Proudly, I belong to Her. She holds my heart and my body. I beg to feel Her and ache to please Her. What you find here will be my thoughts. I don't ask that everyone agree or even understand. Just know that it's what I have inside me and I make no apologies for anything here.
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